We are the Groove Brothers...

We are the Groove Brothers...

By delving into the deep roots of guitar-driven genres, we aim to uncover the hidden gems and emerging talents who are pushing boundaries and shaping the future of music.
In each episode, we examine unique soundscapes created by guitarists from various backgrounds, genres, and inspirations showcasing this majestic instrument’s diverse range.
With a passion for all things guitar-related, Ryan and Justin provide insightful and often humorous commentary on the evolution of the instrument and its impact on their lives. Featuring interviews with influential guitarists, bands, and industry insiders who provide their experiences and expertise.
Whether you are a seasoned guitarist or simply a fan of music, The Groove Brothers are sure to provide an entertaining and immersive journey into the Guitar Universe. Tune in and turn it up as we dive into the untapped potential and sonic landscapes that guitarists continue to explore.